A. Film
B. Press
C. Outdoor
D. Radio
E. Film Craft
F. Design
G. Interactive
H. Creative use of Media
I. PR projects
J. Marketing Services projects
K. Advertising Campaigns

D-2-11. Парковка

AgencyCommunication group MOV!E
Creative headMihail Perlovskiy
Author of ideaMihail Perlovskiy
ProductAutomobile New KIA RIO
DescriptionImagine that you are in a hypermarket at a cash desk, and you have full cart of products, and at this very moment you hear on the store’s radio: Attention, please! The owner of the car … (and you get a little bit tense here) Kia Rio (o-ow!) Red color number O 761 ХР 199 (Fuck!) But suddenly, instead of - «please, urgently proceed to a place where your car was », you here the phrase: «You’ve got the coolest jam jar at our parking lot!» Phew!..What was it? Who was it? You laugh, and all around you laugh, too! Girls are coming up to you, give you flowers, applaud, kiss, make photos and express gratitude for choosing Kia Rio. Great, isn’t it?
Team membersShusharina Alexandra - copywriter