A. Film
B. Press
C. Outdoor
D. Radio
E. Film Craft
F. Design
G. Interactive
H. Creative use of Media
I. PR projects
J. Marketing Services projects
K. Advertising Campaigns

F-1-56. Storye Identity

Creative headArmands Leitis
Author of ideaStorye - a story of the world's finest rye bread
ProductStorye bread
DescriptionWe had to create a brand and packaging design for bread baked in Northern Europe. The bread is created in observance of ancient, very scrupulous baking methods. When creating the brand, we had to take into account that the bread was intended for the U.S. market, where only the rare few know what black bread is. The scrupulous and slow process for creating this type of bread contrasts sharply with America’s popular fast-food and white-bread culture.
Team membersZigmunds Lapsa, Design
Kaspars Staskevics, Copywrite
Voldemars Dudums, Copywrite